15-19.5.2020 first cut: adding photos, audio, subtitles and title cards
21.5.2020 2nd cut: adding grain, visual adjustment, improving audio mixing
22.5.2020 final cut: visual adjustment, improving audio mixing
22-24.5.2020 export+upload (it took 6 hours+ just to export and even more to upload, lost count to how many times it crashed and had to restart)
here's a video showing how the film was shot: my phone taped on a bottle cap for steadiness
Below is my storyboard and a screenshot of my session on adobe premiere pro.
It feels great going back to filmmaking the first time since I was 17, producing short films as homework for a high school subject called FDA (film and digital art). Especially encouraged by my nomination in the youth category of the 22nd Ifva awards, I was tempted to have filmmaking as a career but went for graphics at the end for a more stable career. To be fair I don't think I'll be anywhere near my position now if I chose filmmaking back then, so I'm glad that I could still continue my side interests with my main studies in this opportunity!